Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Film Classification

Classification in films is used to protect children from disturbing and harmful content. Films in the U.K are classified by BBFC and are ranked based on  discrimination, drugs, horror, dangerous and easily imitable behaviour, language, nudity, sex, and violence. The classificaton is used for both DVD relases and theatre releases. Symbols are placed at the beginning of the films or on the DVD box where it is easily seen so consumers know whether the film is suitable for them and the people who are viewing it with them.

The classification are as follows:

'U' - 'U' stands for universal so it is viewable for all ages and audiences. Typically 'U's are suitable for children from four years old upwards. However parents are warned that it is impossible to predict what might upset a particular child. According to BBFC " Films or videos with this BBFCinsight should raise no significant issues in terms of discrimination, drugs,imitable behaviour, language, nudity, sex, threat or violence."

Bad Language:

There is no bad language in 'U's apart from mild swears such as 'damn'.

Sexual Behavior:

Cuddling, kissing and subtle references to sex are permitted however there is to be no focus on sex, sexual behaviors or innuendos.


Mild and slapstick violence is allowed. Focus on violence is not permitted and all fight scenes must be short. Brief scenes of horror are allowed as long as there are reassuring positive elements such as comedic music.

My thriller opening has long scenes of horror which would not be suited for a 'U' movie as well as hints to threats, violence and sexual behavior.

'PG' - 'PG' stands for parent's guidance. Movies with this classification tend to tend more with issues such as bullying, bereavement or racism however parents should be the ones who decide if their child can watch the movie as some children may find it upsetting whereas some might not. These movies typically are suited for children aged 8 and older.

Bad Language:

Mild bad language such as 'son of a bitch' or 'shit' may be used but are used very little and are often used in a a good context. Aggressive and constant swearing is not permitted for a PG.


Some violent behaviour is acceptable however it must be mild. According to BBFC,  "Violence is generally more acceptable in a historical, comedic or fantasy setting, because of the distancing that this provides. It isn’t uncommon for PG films to feature ‘roller-coaster’ action or set pieces, where the emphasis is clearly on the adventure or journey of the main characters rather than the detail of violence or fighting."

My thriller does not promote or feature too much violence, 'jump scares' or any bad language it does deal with the issue of stalking and assult which would not be suited for younger audiences so it would not be classified as a 'PG'.

'12' and '12A' - This classification is not suitable for children under the age of 12. '12A's are movies where an adult must accompany the 12 year old.

Strong Language:

Strong language will be used in '12's and '12A's such as 'f*ck' but it depends on the context and manner in which it is said.

Sexual Behaviour:

Nudity, sexual behaviour and sexual references must be brief but are permitted.


According to BBFC's site, "At 12A, moderate violence is allowed but it should not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood, but occasional gory moments may be permitted if they can be justified by their context (for example brief sight of bloody injury in a medical drama).

Action sequences and weapons may be present at 12A or 12, and there may be long fight scenes or similar. Weapons which might be easily accessible to 12 year olds (such as knives) should not be glamorised in 12A and 12 works.

Sexual violence, such as scenes of rape or assault, may only be implied or briefly and discreetly indicated at 12A and 12. Such scenes must also have a strong contextual justification."

'15' - 15 movies are not suited for anyone under the age of 15 as they tend to contain:

  •   strong violence
  •  frequent strong language (e.g. 'f***').
  •   portrayals of sexual activity
  •   strong verbal references to sex
  •   sexual nudity
  •   brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
  •   discriminatory language or behaviour
  •   drug taking
(List taken from bbfc.co.uk)

However at a 15, there is only to be brief verbal references to issues such as stalking and there should be no focus on sadistic or sexualised threat. Though it is possible to make my thriller a '15' it would be safer to make it an '18' due to the issues it deals with. 

'18' - These movies are not suitable for anyone under the age of 18 and cannot be watched, rented or purchased by anyone without proof of age. Movies with this classification have not limit on swearing or themes. '18' movies tend to include:

  •   strong violence

    •  frequent strong language (e.g. 'f***').
    •   portrayals of sexual activity
    •   strong verbal references to sex
    •   sexual nudity
    •   brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
    •   discriminatory language or behaviour
    •   drug taking
    (List taken from bbfc.co.uk)

    Due to the horror nature of my thriller it is best that I classify it an 15. It means that younger viewers are unlikely to see the disturbing topics but still allows for a wide audience.


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