Psychological Thrillers - A psychological thriller is a fiction story which focuses on the psychology of its characters and their emotional states which push them into the situation they are in.
An example of a Psychological Thriller is Se7en
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Crime Thriller - A crime thriller is where the story revolves around the lives of criminals. It can be anything from the realistic to a good old-fashioned villain movie. Typically, criminal actions are glorified in these films.
An example of a Crime Thriller is Now You See Me.
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Action Thriller - Action thrillers are a more broad sub-genre. It can be anything that involves scenes of action, fights and violence.
An example of an Action Thriller is The Dark Knight.
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Mystery Thrillers - Writer’s Digest separates “mystery” and “thriller” as “A ‘mystery’ follows an intellectual protagonist who puts together clues to solve a crime after it’s been committed, and a ‘thriller’ details the prevention of a crime before it has been committed.”
An example of a Mystery Thriller is Transcendence.
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